About us.

i think the beauty of the world we live in today is being able to see people live out THEIR dreams in a much broader sense. SOCIAL media has made it possible FOR PEOPLE TO share THEIR stories more EASILY and that is what i STRIVE to do.

i am blessed to be from a HARD-WORKING immigrant family that has shown me the power of actions. i am surrounded by peers who are halfway to dreams our PARENTS DID NOT have the PRIVILEGE of REACHING for. we must FULFILL our dreams and chase all our aspirations for THOSE of us that can’t and prove that we are all deserving of these spaces.

“i saw my life branching out before me like the green fig tree… from the tip of each branch, a wondERFUL future beckoned and winked” – syliva plath, the bell jar. having a choice is a beaUTIFUL thing AND, IN A WORLD, where everything is more easily ACCESSIBLE THAN EVER, i think IT’S in our best INTEREST to take ADVANTAGE of it. when i look into the future i see A LOT of things, a MOTHER, wife, SCIENTIST, researcher, author, and the POSSIBILITIES are endless. DO NOT limit YOURSELF and put yourself in a box, let YOUR BRANCHES grow and expand wherever they please and follow them along the way; DON’T let me beat you to the end of the stump.